The Awesomest of the Awesome.. GaymerX Sprites!

Hey Gamers!

As you may have heard, we’re very excited to announce our next convention, GaymerX • Year Four, will be held at the Santa Clara Hyatt Friday September 30th through Sunday October 2nd. We hope to build on our wonderful experience at GaymerX3 with more space, more special guests, and more awesome programming for everyone!

What you may not know is that GaymerX events aren’t possible without the magic of the incredible GaymerX Sprites! Sprites are our on site volunteers at GaymerX. They help us do registration, keep panels running smoothly, provide our A/V support, security on the convention floor, and much more! GaymerX simply couldn’t happen without them!

Interested in becoming a Sprite at GaymerX • Year Four?

Here’s what we’d need from you:

  • Minimum 8 hours of volunteer work during the convention. This is split into several shifts. Our sprites work in a variety of areas ranging from registration, set-up/breakdown, badge checking, security, A/V, and random acts of magic.
  • Able to attend a training session prior to the convention. All of our Sprites go through training to help them cultivate a safe and inclusive community at GX. We also use this time to talk about event logistics, convention policies, and Spritely duties.

Our marvelous perks:

  • Free 3-Day Badge to GaymerX • Year Four Every volunteer gets a badge at no cost to them in exchange for helping us make our event a success.
  • The Sprite Castle. Our volunteers have access to our Volunteer HQ, the Sprite Castle, throughout the event. This is a space to safely store your things, grab some free food, and/or just hang out with your fellow Sprites.
  • And more! We’re still finalizing details on all of our volunteer perks, but we try our hardest to provide our Sprites with whatever we can to thank them for their hard work. We’ll announce these perks as we get closer to the event!

If you’re interested in lending us your magic to help make GaymerX possible, just fill out an application here!

If you have any questions, you can always us via email at [email protected].

See you In Santa Clara!

Soraya Een Hajji & Brian Kunde
Volunteer Directors
GaymerX: Everyone Games

On Sprites And Sugar Water

Hello again, potential Sprites!

You may remember our post earlier this summer about the magic our volunteers, known as Sprites, bring to each and every GX event. We spoke of free badges and sugar water, but we were vague in a mysterious yet enticing way. “What is this sugar water?” you may have asked yourself. “Is it delicious enough to lure me, with my exquisite magic, into becoming a Sprite?” Wonder no more! Come sniff at the trough of sugar water, fill your nostrils with its tantalizing aroma, and learn the specifics of GX3’s Volunteer perks.

The very first Sprite training at GaymerX in 2013!


In exchange for at least 8 hours of work during the convention, Sprites will receive:

  • Free Badges: All Sprites receive a free weekend pass to GX3: Everyone Games. This badge includes access to our swanky VIP Party on Thursday night!
  • Exclusive Sprite T-Shirts: Our Sprites get a unique shirt at each GX Convention that serves as their badge of Spritedom. These shirts aren’t sold or available any other way than working with us as a Sprite.
  • Food on Shift: We know that nothing is more important at a convention than making sure you’re able to find the time to eat! We provide breakfast and dinner to Sprites who are working during morning and night shifts. We’ll also have snacks and other munchies available throughout the day for our Sprites to keep them fueled. Have dietary restrictions? Let us know and we’ll make sure to stock things you’re able to eat!
  • Volunteer Crash Space: Need somewhere to take a quick nap during the convention? Get some quiet time? Leave your things locked up safely? A space to switch from Sprite garb to an awesome costume? Then you’ll love the volunteer crash space! We keep a hotel room at the venue set aside for our volunteers to use for these things throughout the event! Please keep in mind, though, the crash space is communal one and is not a stand-in for lodging during the event!
  • Training Dinner: Want a chance to meet your fellow Sprites before the convention? We hold a training dinner prior to the convention that we ask all Sprites to attend. It’s a great chance to make new friends and get informed about all things GX3 before things get started.  We also use this training to talk about ways to make GX3 an inclusive space for all gamers! We’re aiming to have this dinner on Wednesday 12/9 in San Jose, not far from the San Jose Convention Center.

Have we enticed you to bring your magic to GX3 as a Sprite? Excellent! You can apply to be a volunteer at GX3 here. Don’t delay, as we’re quickly approaching our application deadline of 9/30/2015!

Have questions or concerns? Let us know via email at [email protected]! We look forward to seeing you all this December in San Jose, CA!

-Soraya Een Hajji and Brian Kunde, Volunteer Co-Directors

sorayaheadshot meprofile pic


GX3: Everyone Volunteers!

Hey, Listen!
Press C-Up To Hear How to Become A Sprite!




Every so often, when the wind through the trees calls out for another GX, we set out a golden trough filled with sugar water to attract the rare and precious Sprites. These Sprites (known as “volunteers” in the lands that do not practice magic) not only make the convention possible, they make it wonderful. Our Sprites run everything from set up to registration; they provide security in the halls and A/V support in the panels and events.

Sprites in their natural habitat.

You may not know it yet, but you, reading this – you could be a Sprite! Does the sweet, delicate smell of sugar water entice you? How about free tickets and benefits like free breakfast and a crash space when you need it? Whether you’ve loaned us your magic before or whether you’re spreading your wings for the first time, we’d love to have you join us at GX3!

Here’s a quick rundown of what being a Sprite at GX3: Everyone Games will entail:

What We Need (Your Magic)

  • Minimum 8 hours of volunteer work during the convention. This is split into several shifts. Our sprites work in a variety of areas ranging from registration, set-up/breakdown, badge checking, security, A/V, and random acts of magic.
  • Able to attend a training session prior to the convention. All of our Sprites go through training to help them cultivate a safe and inclusive community at GX. We also use this time to talk about event logistics, convention policies, and Spritely duties.

What We Offer (Sugar Water)

  • Free 3-Day Badge to GX3: Everyone Games. Every volunteer gets a badge at no cost to them in exchange for helping us make the event a success.
  • The Sprite Castle. Our volunteers have access to our Volunteer HQ, the Sprite Castle, throughout the event. This is a space to safely store your things, grab some free food, and/or just hang out with your fellow Sprites.
  • And more! We’re still finalizing details on all of our volunteer perks, but we try our hardest to provide our Sprites with whatever we can to thank them for their hard work. We’ll announce these perks as we get closer to the event!

You can read up on more details about being a Sprite and apply to join us at GX3 here.

Have questions? Email them to Soraya Een Hajji and Brian Kunde at [email protected]!

We look forward to seeing you all at GX3: Everyone Games!

-Soraya Een Hajji and Brian Kunde, Volunteer Co-Directors

Soraya Een Hajji, Volunteer Co-Director