Because GX3 is a physical space that extends into the virtual spaces of twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc, one of the things we should provide is space for in-person networking and socialization for our POC attendees.

The decision to have this space was made as part of our commitment to the mission statement of GX:
GaymerX seeks to make the gaming world safer and more inclusive to marginalized people, especially those in the gender and sexuality spectrum. Creating Better Practices for safety and inclusiveness in physical and online gaming spaces. This can mean rules and enforcement but more-so helpful guidelines and tools for people to interact with one another as well as exposure to rarely discussed social concepts and issues that help people relate and empathize with one another.
The POC Safe space will be in Rooms Turing A/Turing B during the following times:
Friday: 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Saturday: 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Sunday: 3:00 – 4:30 pm

GaymerX convention staff asks that all attendees respect and observe this decision to make a safe space available for our POC attendees. This is the first year we will have a POC safe space for our attendees, and your feedback will only help us improve as we move forward in making GX an even more diverse, welcoming and safe space for you.
Questions, concerns or other issues can be directed to [email protected] and will be answered by our Diversity Liaison, Tanya DePass.