GX3 Panel Submissions Are Closing Soon!

Greetings Gaymers!

Do you have a great idea for a panel? A workshop? Some other awesome piece of programming you want to put together for GX3: Everyone Games? Perhaps you’d love to share your knowledge, expertise, and experience as a speaker or moderator for one of our panels?  Maybe there’s a neat tabletop game you want to run? Great!

Don't wait too long to grab that Event Submission bubble!

We want remind everyone that submissions for  GX3 events and panelists will close as of 12:01 AM PS on Tuesday, September 1stMake sure you submit your event and/or apply to be a speaker before it’s too late!

For  questions regarding panels, speakers, and general programming you can contact our GX3 Panels Team via email. For all inquires on tabletop/RPG events, contact our Tabletop Coordinator Tim Mottishaw.

See you in San Jose!

-Brian Kunde, Volunteer Co-Director

On Sprites And Sugar Water

Hello again, potential Sprites!

You may remember our post earlier this summer about the magic our volunteers, known as Sprites, bring to each and every GX event. We spoke of free badges and sugar water, but we were vague in a mysterious yet enticing way. “What is this sugar water?” you may have asked yourself. “Is it delicious enough to lure me, with my exquisite magic, into becoming a Sprite?” Wonder no more! Come sniff at the trough of sugar water, fill your nostrils with its tantalizing aroma, and learn the specifics of GX3’s Volunteer perks.

The very first Sprite training at GaymerX in 2013!


In exchange for at least 8 hours of work during the convention, Sprites will receive:

  • Free Badges: All Sprites receive a free weekend pass to GX3: Everyone Games. This badge includes access to our swanky VIP Party on Thursday night!
  • Exclusive Sprite T-Shirts: Our Sprites get a unique shirt at each GX Convention that serves as their badge of Spritedom. These shirts aren’t sold or available any other way than working with us as a Sprite.
  • Food on Shift: We know that nothing is more important at a convention than making sure you’re able to find the time to eat! We provide breakfast and dinner to Sprites who are working during morning and night shifts. We’ll also have snacks and other munchies available throughout the day for our Sprites to keep them fueled. Have dietary restrictions? Let us know and we’ll make sure to stock things you’re able to eat!
  • Volunteer Crash Space: Need somewhere to take a quick nap during the convention? Get some quiet time? Leave your things locked up safely? A space to switch from Sprite garb to an awesome costume? Then you’ll love the volunteer crash space! We keep a hotel room at the venue set aside for our volunteers to use for these things throughout the event! Please keep in mind, though, the crash space is communal one and is not a stand-in for lodging during the event!
  • Training Dinner: Want a chance to meet your fellow Sprites before the convention? We hold a training dinner prior to the convention that we ask all Sprites to attend. It’s a great chance to make new friends and get informed about all things GX3 before things get started.  We also use this training to talk about ways to make GX3 an inclusive space for all gamers! We’re aiming to have this dinner on Wednesday 12/9 in San Jose, not far from the San Jose Convention Center.

Have we enticed you to bring your magic to GX3 as a Sprite? Excellent! You can apply to be a volunteer at GX3 here. Don’t delay, as we’re quickly approaching our application deadline of 9/30/2015!

Have questions or concerns? Let us know via email at [email protected]! We look forward to seeing you all this December in San Jose, CA!

-Soraya Een Hajji and Brian Kunde, Volunteer Co-Directors

sorayaheadshot meprofile pic


Hi from your @GaymerX Diversity Liaison!


I’m really, really happy to announce that I am part of the GaymerX staff as the Diversity Liaison for GX3!

What does this mean exactly? Well, I’m helping to review programming in order to make sure that panels have a diverse range of speakers, and also that the convention’s programming meets the GaymerX Mission Statement;

GaymerX seeks to make the gaming world safer and more inclusive to marginalized people, especially those in the gender and sexuality spectrum. This is handled in three major ways.

Making Progress Fun is a big factor in the way that GaymerX does things. When people are genuinely excited and engaged by a concept or a technique they are far more likely to learn it and put it into practice. Gaming, socializing, and partying can be effective avenues to test out social conditions that favor inclusiveness and conflict resolution.

Creating Better Practices for safety and inclusiveness in physical and online gaming spaces. This can mean rules and enforcement but more-so helpful guidelines and tools for people to interact with one another as well as exposure to rarely discussed social concepts and issues that help people relate and empathize with one another.

The GX Convention is a yearly event where all of GaymerX’s work can be put into practice. It is a physical space where people can meet and interact in a different way than they would at a mainstream gaming event. When people know that the event’s audience, volunteers, staff, vendors, and guests are all supportive of their identity and open to discuss conflicts, it creates a unique positive atmosphere of comfort and inclusiveness.

So how can you contact me if there’s a problem/concern/question about diversity and the convention?

You can email [email protected] and I’ll get it. I’ll do my best to respond within 1-2 days. If it is urgent please note that in the body of your message so I can try to get back to you on the same day if possible.

I’ll be at the convention in San Jose December 11 – 13th, 2015 roaming around, go to and doing paneling. If you need me for anything at-con, I’ll let folks know how to find me there.

Last of all, don’t forget panel and RPG event submission is open until September 1st!

Looking forward to meeting you all in December!



Some updates! :D






GaymerX On The Road!

This month, GaymerX will be hitting two awesome events! 


Pink Party Prime!

(8/29/15, NEUMOS, Seattle WA)

The awesome folks at Jetspace are throwing our favorite event of August, the Pink Party Prime!

This is definitely the place to be on Saturday night! We will be in town with the PAX Diversity Lounge (come say hi!). Check it out! (warning, this party can sell out fast!)


Silicon Valley Pride!

(8/30/15, Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA)

Silicon Pride celebrates 40 YEARS OF PRIDE IN SAN JOSE!

We’re extremely fortunate to be joining such a historic event and bringing along some historically awesome games for folks to play! Come join us, kick back, and play some games after a long marchin the sun!

Free body painting from Brandon McGill

Ever wanted to transform? Makeup artist Brandon McGill will be at GX3 and offering his famous body painting skills to attendees!

Rooms and Tickets to GX3 SELLING OUT


OK no… pressure or anything but we just had to take YET ANOTHER room block in our overflow hotel. Please understand ROOMS AND TICKETS WILL SELL OUT THIS YEAR, GET THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!


Get Your Grub On in San Jose

I don’t know about you con goers, but I have always felt that a good convention runs on the power of food. Now that might just be the foodie in me talking but I mean who doesn’t like a good meal. And when you are in a new area why not be a little adventurous and step outside of the same old tired food you always get? Which is why I have put together this list of rather saliva inducing deliciousness.


Back A Yard, San Jose

Back A Yard, Caribbean, .5 miles

[80 N Market St San Jose, CA 95113]

Tofoo Com Chay, Vietnamese/Vegetarian/Vegan, .7 miles

[388 E Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95113]

The City Fish, Seafood/Fish & Chips/Sandwiches, .4 miles

[30 E Santa Clara St Ste 140 San Jose, CA 95113]

Vegetarian House, Asian Fusion/Vegetarian/Vegan, .9 miles

[520 E Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95112]

Paper Plane, San Jose

Paper Plane, American/Cocktail Bar, .3 miles

[72 S 1st St San Jose, CA 95113]

Good Karma Artisan Ales & Cafe, Pubs/Vegetarian/Vegan, .4 miles

[37 S 1st St San Jose, CA 95113]

Pho Cong Ly, Vietnamese, .7 miles

[460 E William St San Jose, CA 95112]

Nemea Greek Taverna, Greek/Mediterranean, .3 miles

[96 S 1st St San Jose, CA 95113]

Punjab Cafe, Indian, .7 milesFoodClub

[322 E Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95112]

San Pedro Square Bistro & Wine, American/Wine Bar, .5 miles

[20 N Almaden Ave San Jose, CA 95112]

Now I’m not saying there is a GX3 “Food Club” [mostly because we’re not allowed to talk about it], but if you all happen to want to do some group gatherings take to twitter and use #GX3GrubTime to send up the rainbow flare. We’ll see how many of us can flood a business at a time, it will be like a fun little experiment. Think of it as the next item on our gay agenda.





Let’s Talk: Sitting Down with the Maven 5


Sounding like the name of a superhero group, the MAVEN 5 are pretty much just that. They are a group of super LGBTQ youth who are taking on Washington. Or at least they hope to with your help. See these kids have the drive and passion to actually tackle something as large and sinister as the 2nd Annual LGBTQ Tech Summit but they need the help of every member of the community to get there.  Now while these super heroes aren’t wearing masks they are still a little mysterious to us, that’s why this modern day Lois Lane hunted down the story and got the once in a lifetime scoop of an interview with two of the group’s members.

What got you interested in technology?

Humaira – “My father. He introduced my siblings and I to the Xbox 360, the nintendo gamecube and DS, the PS3. Everyone in my family has always been into tech, really. When my dad started taking computer science courses, he suggested we do the same. Even though it was really hard at first, the more I did it the more I realized how big the possibilities were when it came to what I could build as I gained more computer science knowledge.”

How did you get involved with Maven?

Kiernynn – “I went to their very first LGBTQ+ youth tech camp in San Francisco. I met some really cool people there, had some crazy new experiences and felt closer to an actual job in tech than I ever had before. It was also when I met Matt, Toni, and Phillip. I came back for the second year, and that’s when Monica informed me I was on of five being nominated for the Summit. I guess Monica likes me. :)”

For all the other LGBTQ youth out there interested in getting into a tech field, what advice do you have for them?

mz1xzfqotbjybqzfbbz4Humaira – “Be resourceful. You can’t be a coder and not be resourceful. This could mean scouring the internet for answers to a problem you have, finding someone experienced in tech to teach you, or asking for advice on stack overflow. There isn’t going to be someone there to hold your hand all the time, and you need to know how to figure stuff out for yourself, or at least know how to research online and ask the right questions. All the knowledge is out there on the internet and at your fingertips, you just have to realize it’s right there. Also, don’t give up too easily.”

Kiernynn – “Just do it. Think of the Shia Lebouf meme and take it to heart. Your best in is actually participating in some form of technology whether you like robots and participate in battle bots or you leave a comment on a youtube video. You’d be surprised who talks to you and what they’ve done in their lives. I’m not sure I’m the best person to tell you how to get a job because I’m still working on that, but if you’re interested in technology, use it and play around with it. You have to be a consumer first.”

Why do you feel its important for LGBTQ youth to attend the tech summit?

Humaira – “Youth make up a huge part of our LGBTQ community! If the goal is to bring together people in the LGBTQ tech community to think of ways to solve problems members of our community face, then as youth, our problems and opinions need to be heard too. ”

What do you hope to achieve by attending?

Kiernynn – “The goal is more freedom, more equality, and more (as cheesy as it sounds) love and understanding. We want to create romance between minorities and the majority that leads to a healthy marriage and three kids. I honestly don’t know what the issues are that we’re tackling and what, exactly, they want us to do to solve them, but I think as long as I keep my goal in mind and act with my goal in mind, I can end up doing some good at this Summit. It’s not going to solves everyone’s problemS (I doubt it will even do noticeable change in an average community) but we’re there! We’re in D.C., we’re in a Summit specifically designed for our input, and that’s something at least. Who knows, maybe we can have a third recognized gender soon?”

Is there a plan to continue over what you learn from the tech summit into other Maven activities?

Humaira – “Most definitely! I’ll be attending Maven’s tech camp next year, and I plan on volunteering to feukir6grdtuhpatrkiahelp teach one of their programming class. I’ll have more experience after working on the projects after the summit, so that will definitely help. Also, the other members of the “Maven 5” and I are working on a LGBTQ themed game together that we plan on submitting to Maven’s national game jam, though we’ll continue working on it even after game jam.”

What is the biggest thing that you all would like to see come out of this tech summit?

Kiernynn – “The big things I would like to see come out of this are all government-based. I’ve come to terms with knowing others’ opinions of me and my family and my friends are not going to change in a couple of days or even a couple of years or even at all. My goals are all focused on limiting what those people can do with their opinions and not changing the actual opinions themselves. As a youth, I would like to focus on what I can do for other youth who don’t necessarily have the opportunity to do something like go to a tech summit and tell the government how to lessen oppression like I do. At my school, I’ve been focusing more recently on getting gender neutral bathrooms in every school in every district in San Diego County and getting mandatory sensitivity training in every school in every district of San Diego county.”

Humaira – “Honestly? I’d like for people at the summit who have the power to change things to listen. Really listen when the issues are brought up. Try to empathize with the real people who face these problems every day, and use that as motivation to help them. The White House can hold all the summits and events in the world, but at the end of the day, if people up the chain aren’t really listening and are just using this event to show the world that ‘Hey, we support the LGBTQ community!’ without actually trying to help, then it’s all for naught.”

As you can see these super youths are ready to go to bat for the community. If you’d like to help send them and their team to Washington then go check out their IndieGoGo page now to donate. Or if you’d like to donate your time to the organization you can find the information for that here on their website.


Ready and waiting with a cape in the wings


Indie Spotlight: Game Dev Tycoon

When it comes to taste in games mine tend to be very diverse. I’m also that weird person who likes Game-Dev-5metagames. You know like playing a game about making games. If you happen to be in the same pixelized boat as me then prepare to be recommended a great game! Game Dev Tycoon is an indie game created by Greenhart Games. Its not a new game since its debut was 2012 but it’s still a very good game. Many of you all in the community are developers, some dabble while others pursue it as a career. For both sides of that spectrum there is fun to be had in this game.

Now this game does go into some crazy meta levels people. I’m talking plays off of all the big companies, there systems, and even their choices. This thing is kind of on it’s A game when it comes to throwing things like that at you. And its not above poking fun at some of the companies either. The game spans the life, so far, of what we consider video games. You start your company right at the start of it and try to ride it out to be one of the big hitters come the end of the game. Like in life sometimes you fail horribly and become so in debt it hurts, other times you manage to squeak by. However there is that occasionally play through where you just happen to make the right decisions and the lines of code align to give you an incredible fake game company. Don’t you wish life were that easy sometimes?

game-dev-tycoon-17968Graphics aren’t really up there with this game but its art style is kind of funky enough to fit with what the creators were going for. The stylized look helps you really get in the mood as you navigate what systems to license and what kind of games to make. I have to admit I played with the sound off most of the time just because if it’s not critical to the game I tend to avoid the in game music. Mostly because if it’s not critical it tends to be a short snip looped forever and I like to play long hauls of those kind of games. No sense driving myself insane while doing it. As such I can’t really speak on the sound effects or the game music.

BUT I can tell you I had alot of fun playing it and trying to spot all of the references and digs at companies. I even kept playing it after the official “end” of the game. Which really is just the game tallying up where you are and giving you a ranking. You can still keep playing after that to continue your company it just won’t count towards your rank. Boy did I continue with it though, I wanted to see how futuristic I could get my company. I encourage you all to play it well past the official ending of the game to find out for yourself.

In the end I give this game a solid 4 out of 5. Its a good game with lots of video game references for all those nerds out there. Plus you get the awesome bonus of seeing how running a video game company would feel like without the risk of massive amounts of personal debt. Who could argue with that?


Taking on the pixels one by one
