Today is the day! May 19, the release date of our documentary film Gaming In Color, in its major wide release on all your favorite platforms. The film is out today on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, PlayStation, Xbox, Vudu, VHX, Gumroad, and Vimeo. It is being distributed through the lovely Devolver Digital Films!
Please check out our brand new website (as well as our brand new trailer!) to find out exactly where to buy the film right now!
So much hard work has gone into this project, and we at MidBoss have tried to do as much as possible to make this major release the biggest success it can possibly be. We certainly would not be here without your support and investment in the cause. Before anything else, thank you.
The goal of our company has always been to bring diversity and inclusiveness to the worlds of gaming and geek culture. Gaming In Color is the expression of that very point of values.
If you haven’t heard about the film before, this is our queer games feature documentary we created in between GaymerX 1 and 2. From out of the closet and into the arcade, we focused not only on the issue of representation in the world of gaming but also on why such representation matters and what effect it has on gamers from all walks of life. Our crew provided so much effort to make this doc the best it could be, our cast provided incredible insight on every topic we cover, and you our fans have given us so much valuable support. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I personally hope this project is as thrilling to you to watch as it was rewarding for me to make.
Please give it a watch, and if you like it, leave us a review! Reviews are paramount, and will seriously help the success of the film the more we get. Plus, they’re free!
In fact, if you leave us a review on at least 3 different platforms (iTunes, IMDB, Amazon, Google, PlayStation, or Xbox) and email us screenshots of them at [email protected], (reviews, not just a rating), we’ll happily send you a $10 Amazon gift card for your trouble! Limited to the first 50 entries. It doesn’t even have to be a glowing review, good or bad counts. 🙂
Also… beyond our release today, we have been telling you all that we have more platforms to come down the line. Today we can finally announce that Gaming In Color is coming soon to Steam! No specific date yet for that, but stay tuned. We hope this opportunity will allow even more people to see and enjoy Gaming in Color and what it has to offer.
Share the news with your friends, and spread the word about the film. The more people that see this film, the more the message of inclusiveness this film delivers can be spread further and further. It’s never been as important as it is now.
Thank you.
Philip Jones, director of Gaming In Color, and the whole GIC crew