Boss Battle Complete! 1,531 XP & 91,389G found!


Last night, at 8:53 PM PST, the GaymerCon Kickstarter Boss Battle came to an end. After 30 days of non stop fighting – including a dangerous mini boss who cast curse on us – we managed to rally the forces and slay the Kickstarter Boss. We gained a ton of XP (and by XP we mean new friends...1,531 of them!), but we also found a ton of Gil! In fact, 91,389 pieces! :O


We are thrilled, honored, amazed, and humbled by the response. We got covered by Forbes, Huffington Post, BBC, Game Politics, and IGN, and got support from amazing groups like Penny Arcade, Mega64, Xbox LIVE, the voices of GLaDOS and the Sniper, and Zach Weiner.

We crushed nearly all of our stretch goals, unlocking a GaymerConcert, Gaymer Brunch (for $100+ pledgers), and the Gaymer Celebrity Boss of Honor! In the coming month, as we book our venue, we are closing deals with some bands and one -really- big celebrity that, once that happens, we are very excited to announce.

The one goal that we didn’t hit was $100K for GaymerConnect – but we still are going to go for it! Honestly, that number was a bit of an arbitrary goal – we wanted to do something like GaymerConnect anyways, but the extra funds that we raised can go into getting design, front-end, and back-end developer help. If you’re an engineer or developer and would like to help out, please drop Andrew (our Tech Director) an email at [email protected]. We’re excited to make this a reality – but please keep in mind that making what we want to do is a lot of work and time, so it may be a short while before it’s up to full speed, but we’ll keep you in the loop on our progress!



Wow. We have over 1,200 attendees for GaymerCon and its 11 months out. The next things that you’ll hear from us in the next month or so are:

– What Venue we have locked down

– What hotels we are working with

– Launching GaymerCon 2.0 with Panel Picker, Forums and more!

– When we’re going to open up badges again for sale (depending on the size of the venue)

– Our Celebrity Boss of Honor as well as Minibosses of Honor to join Zach Weiner, Mike Fass (Zangief – Street Fighter: The Later Years), and Jon Brence 

– Our Musicial Guests to help accompany EZKL and Aethernaut



We are thrilled to have the opportunity to make GaymerCon not just a reality, but something truly special. We look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, cosplay ideas, panel suggestions, and seeing your purty faces in SF next year. Stay tuned to this blog,, and our FB and Twitter for more updates!


You are amazing. We’re showing the world that #everyonegames. GAYMERS UNITE!!!!!!!!