Final Bosses of Honor Announced + Backerkit is LIVE!

Hey Gaymers!

Backer surveys were sent out on Monday! Please make sure to check the email account associated with your Kickstarter to get your goodies!

Also, if you missed the campaign, you can still get your stuff now by going to the GaymerX Year Four BackerKit Page!

Now.. Meet our final Bosses of Honor!

Donna Prior

Okay, all, this is super important!
Not only is Donna Prior an awesome RPG Boss from Green Ronin who will be joining us in playing tabletop games throughout the weekend but she is also running Orca Con!

Orca Con is an inclusive tabletop convention in Washington and the KICKSTARTER IS LIVE RIGHT NOW!! So make sure you back them so that you can check out this awesome event!!

David Gaider

Formerly BioWare’s lead Dragon Age writer and currently BeamDog working on Baldur’s Gate franchise. (Yes, the Baldur’s Gate) David now returns to us as our Grand Marshall!

Well, that’s the title we’re currently giving the guy who’s not only responsible for some of the best games writing the world’s ever seen through the Dragon Age series but also
a man who’s been to more GaymerX’s than some of our staff! (Lookin’ at you, Toni!!)

Mark Barlet

We’re extremely excited to be bringing Mark Barlet, founder of the AbleGamers Charity! AbleGamers have done a lot over the years to make gaming more accessible and
we’re super proud to have Mark joining us!

Brandon McGill

Brandon McGill, artist and creator, will be joining us this year offering
his incredible body painting talent to GaymerX fans!
Make sure you stop by to get a little, or a lot, of his surreal and vivid artistry on yourself!


If you went to the first GaymerX you might recall an awesome chiptune artist who whipped out a violin and started playing it during his set. Well that’s the one and only Aethernaut!
One of our long time favorite musicians, Aethernaut’s been so close to the family he’s
debuted songs at GaymerX and even did some tracks for Read Only Memories!

GaymerX • Year Four is a go!

GaymerX Kickstarter is over! $13,100 — thank you for your support..we’ll make this year the best we can!!! Combined with ticket sales, we’re off to a great start and on the way to having the biggest, and best year EVER!

READY TO GO? Just go to and you’re ready to get tickets, get a hotel room, etc :smiley:

As you may know, GaymerX has always been a project made for and by the community and your input is what drives the directions we move in. So we wanted to take this time to ask you some questions about what you’d like to see at our event!

Please fill out this form: GaymerX Year Four Suggestion Box!

Categories GX4

The Awesomest of the Awesome.. GaymerX Sprites!

Hey Gamers!

As you may have heard, we’re very excited to announce our next convention, GaymerX • Year Four, will be held at the Santa Clara Hyatt Friday September 30th through Sunday October 2nd. We hope to build on our wonderful experience at GaymerX3 with more space, more special guests, and more awesome programming for everyone!

What you may not know is that GaymerX events aren’t possible without the magic of the incredible GaymerX Sprites! Sprites are our on site volunteers at GaymerX. They help us do registration, keep panels running smoothly, provide our A/V support, security on the convention floor, and much more! GaymerX simply couldn’t happen without them!

Interested in becoming a Sprite at GaymerX • Year Four?

Here’s what we’d need from you:

  • Minimum 8 hours of volunteer work during the convention. This is split into several shifts. Our sprites work in a variety of areas ranging from registration, set-up/breakdown, badge checking, security, A/V, and random acts of magic.
  • Able to attend a training session prior to the convention. All of our Sprites go through training to help them cultivate a safe and inclusive community at GX. We also use this time to talk about event logistics, convention policies, and Spritely duties.

Our marvelous perks:

  • Free 3-Day Badge to GaymerX • Year Four Every volunteer gets a badge at no cost to them in exchange for helping us make our event a success.
  • The Sprite Castle. Our volunteers have access to our Volunteer HQ, the Sprite Castle, throughout the event. This is a space to safely store your things, grab some free food, and/or just hang out with your fellow Sprites.
  • And more! We’re still finalizing details on all of our volunteer perks, but we try our hardest to provide our Sprites with whatever we can to thank them for their hard work. We’ll announce these perks as we get closer to the event!

If you’re interested in lending us your magic to help make GaymerX possible, just fill out an application here!

If you have any questions, you can always us via email at [email protected].

See you In Santa Clara!

Soraya Een Hajji & Brian Kunde
Volunteer Directors
GaymerX: Everyone Games


Since GaymerX is run by our community, we wanted to give you all a chance to help us make it awesome!

We’ve added several stretch goals to help us do more! We really need your help to reach out to your friends, the ones who are gonna get that last minute day-of ticket, and make sure they get their tickets and back this campaign ASAP! Getting your tickets NOW makes it a lot easier for us to potentially expand and open up more tickets!

SPEAKING OF TICKETS, we are also opening up more early bird tickets! Some of you noticed and messaged us about how quickly they sold out. It seems like we’re going to be selling out sooner than usual this year!!

Below are the stretch goals we’re looking to reach! Once the campaign is complete, we will also be able to put ticket sales towards these goals as well, so the more tickets we sell the closer we get as well! ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨

It really isn’t a lot to raise so please keep spreading the word and also giving us your feedback because at the end of the day that’s gonna be a big factor in what we do!!

GaymerX Year Four is a GO!!


Please please please make sure to get your tickets and hotel rooms ASAP because they are going a lot faster than previous years! We will do everything we can to accommodate everyone who wants to go!


Get tickets here:


Get hotel rooms here:


As you may know, GaymerX has always been a project made for and by the community and your input is what drives the directions we move in. So we wanted to take this time to ask you some questions about what you’d like to see at our event!


Please fill out this form: GaymerX Year Four Suggestion Box!


Intel’s Indie Dev Contest

Dear GaymerX Attendees!

This year, we have been given a special opportunity to host the first ever Indie Dev Contest sponsored by Intel. We are proud to have such a large company at our back, and glad that they’ll be bringing this exciting event to the table. It’s especially great because anyone can interact, even if they’re not attending.


What does this mean for me?

It means that you, as a GX3 fan, can vote in this contest. To participate, all you need to do is determine what you think the best indie games being exhibited at GX3 are. Then you have to rep them hard! 

I didn’t come ready for a contest! What do I do?

Fortunately, the whole process is pretty easy. The contest is based on a voting system, where users both at the convention and outside of the convention will vote for a given game or games by tweeting.

So all you need to do? Get voting on Twitter! The contest window is 7:00PM on Thursday, December 10th to 12:00PM Sunday, December 13th. In that window, you want to tweet about the game you wish to vote for and include that game’s Twitter account while using the hashtag #BestIndieGX3. Every tweet made that has a given game’s Twitter @ name and that hashtag will count as a vote towards it. Voters are encouraged to vote as much as they like for a given developer/game (within reason) and are welcome to vote for as many developers/games as they wish.

For example, “Smooth Operator is the best game ever! #BestIndieGX3 @Beardogames”

So in short? Get ready to tweet about your favorite game(s) with the account tagged in it and including the hashtag #BestIndieGX. Everything else is taken care of!

Well this all sounds great? Where do I find out who won?

The winners will be announced at the GX3 Cosplay Pageant which takes place at 4:00PM on Sunday, December 13th. If you want to hear the placings, be sure to be there!


Yes, hooray!

We’re looking forward to this event and think it will be great for both our developers and the convention as a whole, so we hope you’re as eager to participate as we are to put it on! If you have any additional questions about the contest, entry, participation, and so on, feel free to email us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to provide answers.


Habitica x GaymerX Rainbow Armor

Have you heard about Habitica, a productivity app that makes your life like a game? :O

When you check off your real-world tasks, you level up your avatar and unlock features such as armor, pets, and even quests that you can complete with friends. GaymerX has designed an exclusive Rainbow Warrior armor set for Habitica, which will be available on until December 14th.

To get the special GaymerX armor, check out the website at or download the iOS app now!

Designed by the amazing @JJsignal! :3 its pretty cool, especially if you’re already an existing user of Habitica!



The MAGfest GX Arcade presents Massive Tournament Throw-downs

With great power comes great announcements!

It’s your friendly and very pumped Arcade Coordinator with yet another tantalizing GaymerX announcement involving GX3’s MAGfest GX Arcade. This time around it’s about the tournaments we will running everyday of the convention. Yes you read that right, EVERYDAY. We will be bringing to you nail biting action in the spectrum of consoles throughout the convention.

For everyday a game, and for every game a champion. A winner who can claim the bragging rights at being the best at least until the next year. The battle begins at noon each day and all warriors must be signed up for the bout of the best before the tournament begins, or the challenger will not be accepted. Now enough leaving you with your breath abated to what tournaments will be held on what days. For your perusal I have left them in all their glory below.

download (3)Friday: Halo 5 (XBox One)

Saturday: Pix the Cat (PS4)

Sunday: Super Smash Bros (Wii U)

Each of those lovely games is clickable and will lead you to their corresponding tournament sign up sheets. 

OH! And before I forget I have two special last minute inception like announcements for this post. I have just confirmed that the winner’s of each tournament will win a Mixamp and A40 headset bundle from Astro Gaming. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT~!? AMAZING!!!!!!

On top of that there will be 2, not 1, BUT 2 super secret contests in the Arcade that will happendownload (1) during the weekend. These super secret contests could be anything from being the one to get the highest score on a certain arcade cabinet to having the fastest time on an old school console game. Each secret contest will be announced the day they are happening so make sure you stop by the Arcade each day to find out just what it will be. Guess what the winners of these secret arcade games will be? That’s right a Mixamp and A40 headset bundle from Astro Gaming! *le gasp of shock*

Please go ahead and fill out the forms and keep an eye out for more announcements coming soon! If you have any questions please email me at [email protected] and I’ll take care of you.

Looking forward to seeing who ends up on top… of the tournament! :O


  • Kayla

Roll For Initiative: GX3 Announces Tabletop Bosses!

Get your dice out! Sharpen your pencils! Ready your spell components! GaymerX has some awesomesauce to share with you!

Did you know that GX3 will include dedicated tabletop gaming rooms and programming? Our tabletop games programming this year will include Pathfinder Society, D&D Adventurers League, Dragon Age, Mutants & Masterminds, Blue Rose, and other one-of-a-kind adventures in a variety of systems! For D&D Adventurers’ League, you’ll be excited to hear Associate Community Manager Alan Patrick will be joining us to run some games! We’ll even be having a workshop on LARP!

But what would three days of LGBTQ friendly and inclusive tabletop gaming be without special guests from the industry joining us? We’re thrilled to announce our Tabletop Industry Bosses of Honor!

Read more

Unicorn Booty x GX3: Magical Rainbows of Coverage

It’s time for a little Rainbow Roundup!

We’re excited to announce that this year at GX3 our Press Lounge will be run by the beautiful folks at Unicorn Booty!


Unicorn Booty is an online magazine that connects readers of all sorts to news, culture and commentary on pop culture, politics, entertainment, travel, and anything interesting happening in the world. They’ll be covering major happenings at GX3 as a Media Sponsor and we’re so stoked to have them!

Unicorn Booty and their editor Daniel Villarreal will also be holding “The Effects of Gayme Addiction on Queers” panel at the con which you can RSVP for here!

In the meantime, be sure to check out the their GaymerX coverage so far including interviews with our Bosses of Honor, plus lots more fun, queer, geeky stuff you might not get to see elsewhere.

stick15-701x336INTERVIEW: Why Robert Yang Makes Video Games About Sex With Cars

How To Respond To The Most Common Complaints About Newly Out Characters

robjagnowwithwatermark-701x336INTERVIEW: Rob Jagnow Makes Fun Games About Class Issues And Bullying

Pop Stars as Final Fantasy VI Characters

GX, the Queer Gamers Conference, Is Invading Australia!

Spanish Artist Nacho Diaz Combines Classic Films With Vintage Video Games

‘Metroid: The Sky Calls’ Could Teach Nintendo How To Portray Women

N7 Day: How Mass Effect Helped Me Accept My Gender Identity

The True Story About The U.S. Hunt For Buried Fairy Treasures

Video Games On Vinyl? Check Out The Video Game That Was A B-Side!

A Look Inside Funspot, The World’s Largest Arcade

10 Classic Video Games That May Have Passed You By

“Nuclear War” Turns 50: A Fun Game About Human Extinction

Meet The Female Cosplayer Fighting Sexist Harassment

Love On Board: 10 Tabletop Games About Love

What If Female Video Game Characters Had Real Bodies?

Mini Gay Boyfriend: Gay Romance in Your Pocket!

Be sure to check out these and future content at Unicorn Booty where you can find some news that isn’t afraid to get a little gay and a little nerdy.
