Hey Gaymers!

Hope you all are having a nerdy and wonderful holiday season. Hopefully you’ve gotten the chance to catch up on some of the games you’ve been backlogged on (Dark Souls!), gotten the good ending in hard games (Dishonored!), and wasted many an hour on trivial design choices (Oh Tiny Tower!).
In the past week, the GaymerCon team has been hard at work stuffing packages filled with presents for you! Bitroms, Stickers, Gift Bags, and Tepig Clothing Packs, oh my!
Some important things to note:
– The stickers and the bitroms are coming seperately. If you get one and don’t get the other, give it another day or so. They should come together but we had a fan report getting the stickers yesterday and her bitrom today.
– We will be sending badge redemption codes in the next week over email to the email that you used when you filled out your survey. Once you get your code, you’ll need to redeem your code (with your name and info so we can give you your badge in person at the con!) on gaymercon.org
– If you got a kickstarter package that got you a lunch or breakfast super pack, we will be emailing you separately in the coming months to let you know how it will work. If you paid over $100, you will get one breakfast ticket for you plus a number of guests equal to the amount of badges you bought. If you got the special Boss of Honor Lunch, only you (no +1s) will be allowed to this event. It’s special :3.
– If you get your bitrom, and love it, please tweet your thanks to @ogeeku for making them! If you have any issues with the bitrom at all, please direct your anger to @ogeeku for making them 😉 – if there’s any damage done with shipping, we’ll happily work with you to get you a new one, but keep in mind that all bitroms are lovingly made individually and are each handmade replicas, so they each look, feel, and smell a little different. The backs of each bitrom have been sanded down for extra smoothness, so please don’t worry if it has a slightly different texture. BONUS FUN TIME GAME: We included some gold bitroms with 5 of the just over 300 bitrom packages that went out – will you get a golden ticket? Gold bitroms can weather ANY economy
– We will be announcing our guests of honor and GaymerConcert guests soon on GaymerCon.org and on our socials first, so follow us on @gaymercon and stuff!

May we direct your gaymer eyes to GaymerConnect.Com. Newly launched just yesterday, you can now live the gaymercon experience 24/7/365, like Sega Channel! (remember that hot mess?)
On GaymerConnect you can list all your gamertags, find other gaymers based on their location or common games that you both play (pulled in from Facebook if you want!), discuss specific games, join LGBTQ guilds, find local Gaymer groups like the amazing Houston Gaymers for example (Hi Eric!), choose a character, give it stats, and gain XP as you jump around GaymerConnect.
Check it out and please let us @gaymercon know what you think! Follow some other gaymers, add some games, and when you get your badge code, your character will get some XP for registering! You can also upvote/downvote panels too! Fun!!
Please keep in mind that alllllll this was made with minimal budget and done with the help of MANY people donating their time and love, so although its very ambitious, there’s bound to be bugs and parts of the site that aren’t perfect, but I’m damn impressed with what we were able to put out in just the last few months. If you think GaymerConnect is awesome, please tweet to @agius and tell him how awesome he is. He stayed up many a night making a complex Gaymer social network and he deserves some flirts. :3
Go get your profile now at gaymerconnect.com and tweet us a link to your profile so we can follow you 🙂
Happy holidays ya’ll. Be safe and around loved ones, and let’s appreciate how much LGBT progress we’ve gotten a chance to see in the last couple of years *sniff*
The GaymerCon Crew