SHAMZWOW. What a crazy ride! Just after we posted our last update, we zoooomed past $60,000 and now have unlocked our Boss of Honor. You have helped us level up and we can’t thank you enough. Just please don’t hit B while we’re evolving!
We can’t announce who it is just yet, but the person that we’re in the final stages of confirming is someone that a lot of you have asked for. We’re very hopeful that it’ll come through. We also have some really cool bands lined up. As we get final bookings, we’ll be sure to let you know, even if it’s after the end of the Kickstarter.
In the meantime, we have just 7 days left until the end of the Kickstarter. We’re really excited to announce our Final Boss Stretch Goal that has been a dream of ours to begin working on; with the additional funding, we’ll be able to make it an amazing reality.
We want to build an app – web first, then mobile, called GaymerConnect. The idea? That you can easily go in and find other Gaymers to play your favorite games with. Playing Call of Duty? Here are all the Queer Clans. Looking for someone to fight against in Street Fighter 4? Here are 20 awesome geeks to play against.
The best (and most relevant) part: we can coordinate GaymerConnect with GaymerCon itself, setting up an easy and instant way for you to connect online with all the awesome people you meet at the con. Plus badges, because every app has that shit these days!
We’ve begun working up some mockups of how this would look, but with this additional funding, we’d be able to hire designers and front end engineers to make this a reality.
A very awesome Gaymer hanging out with Kratos at Bent-Con (WHICH YOU SHOULD REGISTER FOR! seriously)
Even if we don’t hit $100,000, we would love to give it a try. We feel extra confident that we can do something amazing with the extra funds to help connect Gaymers outside of GaymerCon.
Let us know what you think – right now this is something our Tech Director (Andrew) has been hoping to build for a while now and we want to hear from you – is this something you’d be into? Would you like to be able to connect with other Gaymers and LGBTQ-friendly guilds?
We are so happy to have hit all of our initial stretch goals and are psyched for this final stretch. Please don’t hesitate to drop us a line through our contact form on our site if you have questions, would like to reach one of us for an interview or sponsorship info, or if you just want to say hi!
Don’t forget to like us on Facebook for continued updates and fun stuff!
– Andrew, Kayce, Matt & Jack
PS: We just brought on a Volunteer Director and Programming Coordinator so we’re really excited to begin moving forward on getting panels and fun stuff booked. 😀